While our clients’ goals may be similar — to change habitual response to triggers — what triggers them and how they respond are very different.
Because of this, a unique, personally-tailored mind-training plan is designed for each client.
However, all Mind In Control™ training plans share the following steps:
STEP 1: Qualification
The MindMatrix™ program requires a commitment that not everyone is prepared to make, so we begin with the qualification process. This mind training program requires the following from every client:
Brain Performance
Thought processing speed: FAST
Intelligence: ABOVE AVERAGE
Appetite for Change: HIGH
Commitment Level
I.e. commitment to the effort required to truly change yourself: HIGH
Example: imagine operating undercover, deep behind enemy lines, unsure if your #2 is fully committed to the mission... would this work? In order to engage and trust one another, we need your 110% commitment to the training. This is the only way for us – you and me - to achieve your goals.
Mental Orientation
Does this describe you?
Direct, to the point; prefer to hear the truth rather than the softballed version
Sensitive, gentle yet strong, stable and courageous
Step 2: The Training
Developing a client-specific MindInControl™ training plan consists of various factors, some of which are:
Corporate / home circumstances
Age, sex
Defined goals
Habitual responses
Perception of reality
In general, the training takes about 16 weeks. We speak once/week for 1hr. You then "go out to the world" and practice, under real-life circumstances and in real time, what we learned that week.
In general, we expect the following:
Week 3 - 4: Initial internal indication of change, i.e. you noticed change,
Week 7 - 8: External indication of change, i.e. a person close to you noticed change,
Week 11 - 12: Repeated successful experiences of changed thought-processes / behavior-patterns,
Week 14 - 16: Prepare to and disengage.
Different clients will require different mind tools. However, the following core principles are common to all MindMatrix™ training plans:
How Do We Define Success?
Repeated and successful experiences of changed behavior per our defined goal.
Step 3: Post Training
The intention of post-training:
Controlled disengagement
Other / additional areas of training
Transition relationship to maintenance